TimeTracker free asp.net project with source codes
This intranet application is used to keep track of time spent by project members on different projects. It stores details regarding users, projects and time spent by members on projects - time entries.This application uses ASP.NET pages for presentation. ObjectDataSource is used to get data from Business Logic Layer (BLL), which in turn access Data Access Layer (DAL). Stored procedures are used to perform all important operations related to database in SQL Server.
The following are major activities in this application
- User Registration
- Login
- Password Recovery
- Creation of Project
- Adding members to project
- Listing projects
- Listing users
- Generating report regarding project
- Logging Time entries
- Displaying projects assigned to current user
- Logout
Technologies and Products Used
- ASP.NET 3.5
- C# language
- Visual Studio.NET 2008
- SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
- Login controls - Membership
- Stored procedures using T-SQL.
- Identify columns for auto increment columns
- Master pages and Themes
- DataBound controls such as GridView, FormView etc.
- ObjectDataSource to get data from BLL and bind data to data-bound controls such as FormView and GridView.
- Business Logic Layer - BLL, to access DAL on one side and Object data source on the other side.
- Data Access Layer - DAL, to access database.
Steps to download, deploy and run this project
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application. This project makes use of membership feature of ASP.NET. So,we have to configure the website using ASP.NET Configuration tool as explained below.- Download timetracker.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system. For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\timetracker. The download contains all ASP.NET pages but it has NO DATABASE. We have to create database objects using ASP.NET configuration tool manually.
- Open Visual Studio.NET 2008 or Visual Web Developer 2008.
- Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, c:\timetracker
- Select Website->ASP.NET Configuration option
- Select Security tab
- Select Use the security Setup Wizard to configure security step by step.
- Select From Internet option in Step 2
- Click on Next button in the remaining screens and finally click on Finish.
- It create a database called ASPNETDB.MDF with required tables and other database components
- Open the database in Server explorer
or Database Explorer and create tables - PROJECTS, PROJECT_MEMBERS
and TIMEENTRY. The structure for these tables is shown below. PROJECT
and PROJECT_MEMBERS tables refer to USERID column of ASPNET_USERS table,
which is created by Configuration Tool.
Column Name Data Type Remarks id int Identify Column title varchar(50) description varchar(1000) createdon datetime creatorid uniqueidentifier References USERID column in ASPNET_USERS table estduration int manager uniqueidentifier References USERID column in ASPNET_USERS table PROJECT_MEMEBRS table
Column Name Data Type Remarks projectid int References ID column in PROJECTS table userid uniqueidentifier References USERID column in ASPNET_USERS table
Column Name Data Type Remarks entryid int Identify Column projectid int userid uniqueidentifier entrydate datetime createdon datetime duration int description varchar(1000) -
Create the following stored procedure in the database.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CreateProject(@title varchar(50), @description varchar(1000), @creatorid uniqueidentifier, @estduration int, @managerid uniqueidentifier) AS insert into projects values(@title, @description,getdate(), @creatorid,@estduration, @managerid)
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetAllProjects AS select * from projects order by id;
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetAllUsers AS select u.userid, u.username, m.email, m.createdate from aspnet_users u join aspnet_membership m on ( u.userid = m.userid) order by u.username
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetNonMembersOfProject(@projectid int) AS select userid, username from aspnet_users where userid not in ( select userid from project_members where projectid = @projectid)
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetProjectDetails (@projectid int) AS select p.id, p.title, p.description, p.createdon, p.estduration, u.username from projects p inner join aspnet_users u on (p.managerid = u.userid) where p.id = @projectid
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetProjectMembers(@projectid int) AS select userid, username from aspnet_users where userid in (select userid from project_members where projectid = @projectid);
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetTimeEntriesByProject (@projectid int) AS select t.entryid, t.entrydate, t.duration, t.description, t.createdon, u.username from timeentry t inner join aspnet_users u on ( t.userid = u.userid) where t.projectid = @projectid
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AddMemberToProject(@projectid int, @userid uniqueidentifier) AS insert into project_members values(@projectid, @userid);
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AddTimeEntry(@projectid int,@userid uniqueidentifier,@entrydate datetime,@duration int,@description varchar(1000)) AS insert into timeentry values(@projectid,@userid, @entrydate, getdate(), @duration,@description)
- Goto Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
- Run project from Visual Studio.NET 2008 or Visual Web Developer 2008.
- You should see login.aspx page.