MicroBlog free asp.net project with source codes
This web application is similar to twitter.com. It allows registered members to post updates, which are displayed to followers of the user. A user can have followers and friends (users who follow this user).The following are the topics of ASP.NET used in this project.
- Asp.Net 3.5
- C# Language
- SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
- Visual Studio.NET 2008
- Layered Architecture with Presentation Layer and Data Access Layer
- All database manipulations are done with stored procedures.
- Stored procedures are accessed using classes in DAL - Data Access Layer.
- ObjectDataSource is used in presentation layer to talk to DAL.
- DataList is used to display and delete data
- Membership and login controls are used to implement security.
- Master page and themes are used
- ADO.NET is used to access database
- User Registration
- Login
- Password Recovery
- Change password
- Home page
- Post an update
- List of user update
- Delete an update
- Finding people
- Adding friend
- Removing friend
- Changing the profile of the user
- Logout
Steps to download, deploy and run this project
The following are the steps to be taken to run the existing part of the application. This project makes use of membership feature of ASP.NET.- Download MicroBlog.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system. For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\microblog.
- Open Visual Studio.NET 2008 or Visual Web Developer 2008.
- Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project. For example, c:\microblog
- Select Website->ASP.NET Configuration option
- Select Security tab
- Select Use the security Setup Wizard to configure security step by step.
- Select From Internet option in Step 2
- Click on Next button in the remaining screens and finally click on Finish.
- It create a database called ASPNETDB.MDF with required tables and other database components
- Open the database in Server explorer or Database Explorer and create tables - MB_PROFILES, MB_FRIENDS, MB_UPDATES
with the following structure. The following tables show the structure of these
userid uniqueidentifier (primary key) onlinebio varchar(200) picturefile varchar(20) followerscount int friendscount int updatescount int Note : userid is linked with userid of ASPNET_USERS table.
MB_UPDATESupdateid int identify column (primary key) userid uniqueidentifier test varchar(140) timestamp datetime Note : userid is linked with userid of ASPNET_USERS table.
MB_FRIENDSuserid uniqueidentifier friendid uniqueidentifier Note: userid is linked with userid of ASPNET_USERS table. friendid is linked with userid of ASPNET_USERS table. Both userid and friendid put together become primary key
- Create the following trigger for ASPNET_USERS table/li>
CREATE TRIGGER trg_insert_profile_row ON dbo.aspnet_Users FOR Insert AS declare @userid uniqueidentifier /* insert a row into profiles table */ select @userid = userid from inserted insert into mb_profiles values(@userid,'','default_profile',0,0,0);
- Create the following stored procedure in the database.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_addfriend(@userid uniqueidentifier, @friendid uniqueidentifier) AS begin tran begin try insert into mb_friends values(@userid, @friendid) update mb_profiles set friendscount = friendscount + 1 where userid = @userid; update mb_profiles set followerscount = followerscount + 1 where userid = @friendid; commit tran end try begin catch rollback tran raiserror('Could Not Add Friend',16,1); end catch CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_addupdate(@userid uniqueidentifier, @text nvarchar(140)) as begin tran begin try insert into mb_updates(userid,[text],[timestamp]) values (@userid,@text, getdate()) update mb_profiles set updatescount = updatescount + 1 where userid = @userid commit tran end try begin catch rollback tran raiserror('Could not add an update!',16,1) end catch CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_deleteupdate(@updateid int) AS declare @userid uniqueidentifier begin tran begin try /* get userid for this update */ select @userid = userid from mb_updates where updateid = @updateid delete from mb_updates where updateid = @updateid update mb_profiles set updatescount = updatescount -1 where userid = @userid; commit tran end try begin catch rollback tran raiserror('Could not delete update',16,1); end catch CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_findpeople(@userid uniqueidentifier, @pattern nvarchar(50)) AS select au.userid, username, picturefile, onlinebio, followerscount, friendscount, updatescount from mb_profiles p inner join aspnet_users au on (au.userid=p.userid) where au.userid <> @userid and username like '%' + @pattern + '%' and p.userid not in ( select friendid from mb_friends where userid = @userid) CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_getfriends(@userid uniqueidentifier) AS select au.userid, username, picturefile, onlinebio, followerscount from mb_profiles p inner join aspnet_users au on (au.userid=p.userid) where p.userid in ( select friendid from mb_friends where userid = @userid) CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_gettotalupdates(@userid uniqueidentifier) AS select picturefile,username, text, timestamp from mb_updates u inner join aspnet_users au on (u.userid = au.userid) inner join mb_profiles p on (u.userid = p.userid) where u.userid = @userid union select picturefile, username, text, timestamp from mb_updates u inner join aspnet_users au on (u.userid = au.userid) inner join mb_profiles p on (u.userid = p.userid) where u.userid in (select friendid from mb_friends where userid = @userid) order by timestamp desc CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_getupdates(@userid uniqueidentifier) AS select updateid,picturefile, username, text, timestamp from mb_updates u inner join aspnet_users au on (u.userid = au.userid) inner join mb_profiles p on (u.userid = p.userid) where u.userid = @userid order by timestamp desc CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_getuserdetails(@userid uniqueidentifier) AS select onlinebio, picturefile, followerscount, friendscount, updatescount from mb_profiles where userid = @userid CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_removefriend(@userid uniqueidentifier, @friendid uniqueidentifier) AS begin tran begin try delete from mb_friends where userid = @userid and friendid = @friendid update mb_profiles set friendscount = friendscount - 1 where userid = @userid; update mb_profiles set followerscount = followerscount - 1 where userid = @friendid; commit tran end try begin catch rollback tran raiserror('Could Not Remove Friend',16,1); end catch CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mb_updateuserprofile(@userid uniqueidentifier,@onlinebio nvarchar(200),@picturefile nvarchar(50)) AS if @picturefile <> '' update mb_profiles set picturefile = @picturefile, onlinebio = @onlinebio where userid = @userid; else update mb_profiles set onlinebio = @onlinebio where userid = @userid;
- In the Application Configuration Tool, go to Application Configuration.
- Select Configure SMTP Email settings
- Enter Server name as localhost and From as admin@systemname.com. Replace systemname with the name of your system
- Click on Save button
- Go to Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
- Run project from Visual Studio.NET 2008 or Visual Web Developer 2008.
- You should see login.aspx page.
- Create new user using registration page and then login with that user name
- Test the rest of the options.