Students Information System
This web application, provided by school, allows parents to get information about their children in school. The overall architecure is ASP.NET MVC 4.0 (with C# and Razor) -> DAL (Data Access Layer) -> LINQ -> SQL Server Database.This website uses the following tools and technologies.
- Asp.Net MVC 4.0
- Razor engine for presentation
- C# Language
- SQL Server LocalDB
- Visual Studio.NET 2012 Express for Web
- Data Validation Attributes for validation using JQuery
- Forms Authentication
- Layout and Stylesheets
- Data Access Layer (DAL) to talk to Database through LINQ
- Mail API to send mail
- Parent Login
- Change password
- Logout
- Recover password
- List students of parent
- List marks sheets for selected student
- List attendence for selected student
- List notifications
- Delete notification
- Post feedback
Steps to download, deploy and run this project
The following are the steps to be taken to run the existing part of the application.- Download sis.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system. For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\sis.
- Start Visual Studio.NET 2012 Express for Web
- Open the project from the directory into which you extracted the .rar file. For example, c:\sis
- Add a Database to project using WEBSITE -> Add New Item -> SQL Server Database . Select default name Database.mdf. It is placed in App_Data. Use tables.sql file to create required tables and load sample data.
- Run project from Visual Studio.NET
- You should see login page
- Login as a parent using sample data provided in tables.sql file.
- Test other options.