Visual Basic.NET Example Source Code
Visual Basic.NET Source Code Examples
for free source codes, you can visit these website:-
Add Controls at Runtime Example
(5.8 KiB, A easy example of how to dynamically add controls while your
program is already running., 59 Downloads; Since: August 25, 2012)]
Alpha Blending (Shapes and Images) Example
(6.5 KiB, A example that shows how to AlphaBlend shapes and Images
using the DotNet Framwork. This example shows how to AlphaBlend 2
rectangles together and shows how to AlphaBlend 2 images together.
Should be pretty easy to understand. The code is commented fairly well.,
40 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Animating Form/Application with Special Effects
(8.7 KiB, This example shows how to do some basic animations and
effects using the Windows API call - AnimateWindow. There are different
animation directions, and/or special effects like Blending, Rolling, or
Sliding. You can also specify how fast/slow the animation will take
place., 81 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Apy/Window Spy Example
(12.6 KiB, This is the source code to the cs Vb.Net Window Spy I made.
Just some of the features is: Get Active Window Info. Parent Window
Info, List of Children, Siblings, and more., 39 Downloads; Since: August
26, 2012)]
Audio/Video DX9 Example
(6.1 KiB, This example shows you how to use the audio/video objects in
DirectX 9. It will play at least - avi, mp3, mpeg, wav, ect... files.,
442 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Basic Multi-Threading Example
(5.7 KiB, A basic example to show how easy it is to create and use
multiple threads in VB.Net. This example does not claim to be the best
way to do it., 31 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Bass Sound System Version 1.8 Example
(164.0 KiB, This includes 3 different examples. One is a stream
example(mp3,wav,ect.) Another is a visualizations example and then a
misc example(play samples, streams, audio cd's, ect..) You should really
check out and get the latest version of the Bass
library. There is also available a .NET Class Library which makes it
easier to use. Its actually based on the api module I converted a few
years ago for DotNet which the Bass developer had on his site for quite a
while. :), 368 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Bouncing Pong Type Ball Example
(6.5 KiB, Example of how to bounce a ball. Uses GDI+ graphics and
renders in a thread. Very easy to understand., 33 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Change Desktop Wallpaper Example
(6.3 KiB, A example of how to change the desktops background
picture/wallpaper from your application. It uses the
SystemParametersInfo windows api to do this., 37 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Change Form Shape/Region Example
(5.6 KiB, A pretty easy example of creating Custom regions that you can
conform to your applications forms. This example changes the forms
shape to that of text message., 37 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Change/Set and Manipulate All Controls on the Form (Updated v1.1)
(7.2 KiB, A simple example of how to automatically change/set
properties or manipulate controls without having to write code
specifically for each control. This example shows how to Clear all
Textbox Controls on the Form and How to Check all Checkbox Controls on
the Form without having to write code specifically for each of the
Updated: Codes were added that shows how to clear all textbox controls
on the form except those specified in the source code to skip over or
bypass., 223 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Check/Ping Destination Address
(8.1 KiB, This is a very simple example of how to check/ping a ip, url,
or UNC (Universal Naming Convention) name using the
"IsDestinationReachable" Windows API call. It can return whether it
reached the destination successfully, network type available, and the
to/from speed when checking the web destination. VB 05 and 08 already
has a nice Ping class for checking web destinations so I would use that
class if using those versions. Unless you want other info like the
To/From speed or something., 31 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Chr Code Conveter - .NET Example
(6.2 KiB, This example is similar to the vb 5 and vb 6.0 version. I
tweaked the code alittle in the .net version. This will convert regular
text to Chr based code. Example, the quote character " would be
converted to Chr(34)., 23 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Clipboard Example(Basic)
(5.4 KiB, Just a very basic example of using the built-in .Net
clipboard object. I only show copy and paste methods only. In the future
will add more to it., 25 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Combobox/Listbox Text Search
(6.0 KiB, Shows you how to easily search a combobox or listbox for a
specified text. Can search by the starting text or exact text., 45
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Communicate Between Forms
(9.7 KiB, A easy example of how to communicate with another form in the
same project. This example includes: changing the text of the textbox
control, clicking the button, and loading a picture in the picturebox of
the other form., 30 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Context-Popup Menu's
(5.6 KiB, A easy example of how to add Context(In VB6 their pretty much
called PopUp) Menu's in VB.Net., 33 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Convert Unix Time to Structured Time
(7.0 KiB, A simple example of how to convert a Unix time value to a
basic Windows time value. IT shows the converted Unix time as UTC and
Local based Time. The example displays the Computers current Timezone as
well as the Timezone offset compared to the UTC (Universal Time
Coordinate or Coordinated Universal Time) Time., 22 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
CPU RDTSC/Calculate Processor ClockSpeed(Processor Mhz) in Realtime
(26.1 KiB, This is a example I made that shows how to get the
processors actual rdtsc value in realtime. It also uses this value to
calculate the clockspeed of the processor in realtime too. IT uses a
.dll I made with Managed C++ call csRDTSC and simply gives us the time
stamp counter value., 23 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
CPU-Processor Usage
(6.3 KiB, A basic example of easily retrieving the value for the cpu's
usage. Displays the exact usage value or the integer portion only. Uses
Performance Counters., 29 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
CPU System Usage using API
(7.4 KiB, A example that simply returns the total system usage for the
computer using the GetSystemTimes() API call. This example shows how to
use this API call and perform various calculations to return and display
the computers total processor usage value. The computer MUST have
Windows XP - Service Pack 1 or Higher to use this API Function., 17
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Create/Save Images as Thumbnails
(6.0 KiB, A basic example of how to convert your images to thumbnails.
It also saves the thumbnails as jpeg-.jpg files., 34 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Create/Set Inputbox Input/Text as Password Characters
(7.7 KiB, A small program I made that will display an inputbox and has
the inputbox display the input text as password characters. This example
uses subclassing, and some windows APIs like Findwindow, GetWindow, and
SendMessage., 400 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Crop Images Example - Mouse Selection
(93.7 KiB, A example I made of how to crop images using VB.NET. This
example shows how to select the area of the image by using the mouse to
select the coordinates., 31 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Crop Images Example - Specified Coordinates
(64.2 KiB, Another example I made on cropping images. It does the exact
same thing as the above example except it uses the user inputed
coordinates and draws a line around the area of the image that is
specified in the coordinates., 30 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Cropping Images and Pictures - Full Example
(94.9 KiB, This example is basicly the Mouse Selection and Coordinates
example combined. A few bugs were fixed over the previos versions. You
can now move the mouse in any directions to select the cropping area and
the picturebox does not flicker anymore. Thanks to Zac for the 2x bug
fixes., 399 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csAudioCD Library Pro v1.3 Example APP
(23.0 KiB, A example application that highlights the features and
options for the csAudioCD Library v1.3. The example shows some of the
Library's basic features and some of the more advanced features. The
compiled .dll is included. Version 1.1 has been removed., 20 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
csAutoComplete - Example App
(10.4 KiB, A simple example for VB.NET 2002/2003 that shows how to use
the csAutoCompleteClass Library to give 'Auto Complete' support to your
CombBox and TextBox controls., 20 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csAutorun Maker - Example
(15.0 KiB, This is the source code to the csAutorun Maker application
on the software page that makes it very easy to select the execute
(.exe) file you want and the icon to be the autorun icon. Saves the file
as autorun.inf, 20 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csCompactMusic Library v2.1 - Example
(103.9 KiB, This is a basic application to show how to use the
csCompactMusic Library Class. The programs dimensions are very small on
purpose. The Class .DLL is included., 20 Downloads; Since: August 26,
csCPUFeatures Library v1.0 - Example App
(11.6 KiB, A simple example of how to use the csCPUFeatures Class
Library to get various features that the target computer supports. Some
of the features you can check is 3DNow! instructions, as well as SSE,
SSE2, RDTSC, Intel FPU Errata/Bug, and more. The library uses the
IsProcessorFeaturePresent API to get this information., 20 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
csCPUInfoBasic Library - Example
(59.5 KiB, This is a example app that shows how to use my
csCPUInfoBasic.DLL C++ library. The example will return the CPU Vendor,
CPU Model, CPU Stepping, Clockspeed, and more. If you only want the .dll
control itself you can download it under the VB.NET - Controls page.
Check out the screenshot below if you want to see more info it can
give., 21 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csMovie Library Pro v2.0 - Example
(11.1 KiB, A brief example to get you started using the csMovieLibrary
Class. Apart from the normal play, stop, and pause. It shows you how to
get various stats and information. The library source can be downloaded
from the controls section. It supports many media or video formats like
.mp4, .avi, .wmv, .mpg, and more., 292 Downloads; Since: August 26,
csMusicLibrary - PLAY Features/Options
(16.9 KiB, This is a example I made that shows how to add 3x different
play features to your application. Continuous Play, Repeat Play, and
Random Play features. Uses my csMusicLibrary for the playback of the
music., 18 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csMusic Library Pro v1.0
(24.2 KiB, A example of how to use the csMusicLibrary. This example
should give you a jump for a music app. The compiled class is included.,
17 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csSound Player Library v1.0 - Example
(6.5 KiB, This is a example on using my csSoundPlayer Library to play
wave sound files. The library uses no 3rd party controls., 16 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
csStopWatch Library v1.1 - Example
(12.6 KiB, A example of how to use the *BASIC* version of my
csStopWatch Library. Returns the Elapsed: Minutes, Seconds, and
Milli-Seconds. Checks the current Resolution and whether the Stop Watch
is running, reset and more!, 24 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csTextBoxX v1.1 Control
(15.1 KiB, Demonstrates the eXtended functionality the csTextBoxX
Control contains over the original textbox control. It highlights the
AutoComplete functionality along with Character Restricting to only
allowing Numbers or Numbers with a Single Decimal Point and Disabling
the Beep on "Enter" in SingleLine mode. Update v1.1: Added a new feature
to search the controls text for specific strings/letters/text with
various search options like Match Case., 29 Downloads; Since: August 26,
csWebBrowser 'Com MSHtml.dll' Control
(28.3 KiB, A example that shows how to use the 'Com' based ActiveX
Webbrowser control in your .Net applications. This is a fully working
Webbrowser with alot of various features implemented. It includes
'search/refresh/home/ect' features. Menu items -
cut/copy/paste/delete/save/save_as/page setup/print/print preview and
more. A tool to grab the source code of the webpage and more. Could be a
good start for someone looking to make their own custom WebBrowser., 30
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csWindowsShutdown Library v1.4
(13.7 KiB, Example of using the "csWindowsShutdown1.4" Class Library
control to shutdown/logoff/reboot Windows. You can force the execution
or execute the process normally. The Class Control IS Included in this
zip. Check out the Class source code for alot more information.
Update: Version 1.2 added 2x new features, "initiateSystemShutdown and "cancelInitiatedShutdown".
Update: Version 1.3 added a new function to display the "Turn Off
Computer" dialog and the option to use API or Shell to perform some of
the shutdown/restart/logoff commands, along with other tweaks to the
core of the library. This library has FULL intellisense documentation
for most of the features.
Update: Version 1.4 added a new feature that will display the "System
Settings Change" Dialog with a "Computer must restart before the setting
will take place". There were also some more tweaks to the library as
Remember, Libraries made with earlier versions of VB.NET can be used in
Visual Basic 2005 and Visual Basic 2008. So you can use this library in
the new VBs as well..., 264 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
csWritingPad v1.5 Program
(75.4 KiB, This is the source code to my csWritingPad v1.5 application.
Has MANY features and way to many to mention them all. Its based around
the RichTextBox control and shows you how to use the control in your
applications to create a advanced Word Processor based application. The
Richtextbox control is almost used to its limit. It of course has your
normal Cut/Copy/Paste, Set Font/Size/Color to the entire document or the
selected text only. Shows a simple trick of how to add/paste images.
Has capabilitys to print your documents and multi-level Undo and Redo
features. Plus it has advanced 'Search and Replace' features. Hopefully
this example is something you can benefit from., 27 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Detecting/Getting the Users Last/Latest Activity
(6.8 KiB, This example is based on the VB 6.0 version I made that will
monitor system-wide user activity and determine the last time the user
interacted with the Keyboard and/or Mouse., 32 Downloads; Since: August
26, 2012)]
Dialog Object - OpenFileDialog/SaveFileDialog
(5.2 KiB, This is a basic example of how to display the open/save
dialogs. No need to add a .ocx file to your project. It shows both the
SaveFileDialog class and the OpenFileDialog class., 27 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Directory and File Information
(7.0 KiB, A simple example that uses the DirectoryInfo class and the
FileInfo class to get alot of various information for the selected
directory or file., 33 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
DirectX-DirectSound 9.0
(7.8 KiB, This is a fairly basic example of how to use DirectX 9
DirectSound classes to play media based .wav, wave files., 21 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
Display/Show how to display Text/Numbers in the Windows System Tray/Notify Icon area
(7.8 KiB, A simple example that shows how to display/show text/numbers
in the windows system tray/notify icon area. Creates a bitmap and draws
text to it and then retrieves the bitmap as a icon that is then applied
to the Notify Icon component., 26 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Downloading Files from Internet Example
(6.0 KiB, A basic example of using the WebClient class to download
files from the selected internet address to the selected path on your
computer., 26 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Draw a Ellipse on the Form with Mouse
(6.6 KiB, This is an example of how to draw an ellipse on the form
using the mouse. It will draw the ellipse, increasing its size, in real
time, as you move the mouse., 24 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Draw a Gradient - Form, Rectangle, Control, ect.
(6.3 KiB, Example of how to draw gradient rectangle on a form. Select 2
colors from the comboboxes and click which gradient mode to use., 20
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Find/Search Combobox and Listbox control
(7.2 KiB, Example of executing full searching in a listbox and combobox
control. The example can find the exact search value or only a part of
the value., 36 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Get all Computer Logical Drives
(6.6 KiB, This is an example of how to get all of the logical drives on
the current computer. Uses all managed code except one api call to get
the type of drive each drive letter is., 22 Downloads; Since: August 26,
Get a list of the Date/Time Formats
(4.5 KiB, A basic example of how to get a specified or default
date/time returned in more than 100 different formats. This example
shows how to do it very easily with very little code., 27 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
Get More Computer Performance Information
(6.8 KiB, This is a simple example based on the Visual Basic 6.0
version that uses the GetPerformanceInfo API call to get some more lower
level memory and thread information., 23 Downloads; Since: August 26,
Get Pixel Color from the Mouse Position
(7.0 KiB, A example of how to get the pixel color from a window where
the mouse cursor position is located. This example uses GetPixel, and
WindowFromPoint API calls., 29 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Getting Line Information in Textbox Control
(7.0 KiB, This example shows how to get the current line number in
VB.NET 2002/2003, getting the text at the current line position and also
getting the total number of lines currently in the textbox control.
Getting the current line # code is for VB.NET because those versions
does not have built-in support like the VB 2005/2008 Textbox versions.
Otherwise, the rest of the codes is efficient with VB 05/2008/2010 and
VB 2012 as well., 22 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Hide or Show Caret in Combobox and Textbox Control - .NET
(7.1 KiB, This is a small example of using the HideCaret and ShowCaret
API calls to hide the caret (or blinking cusor) in the textbox or
combobox control. Remember that the control whose caret you want to hide
or show Must have caret ownership at the time of calling or it will
fail. Also when the control loses ownership it will reset and you will
have to call the APIs again.
Note: IF you always want the caret to be hidden in the control, try
putting the HideCaret code in the GotFocus event of the control., 24
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Higher Performance Windows API Timer - timeSetEvent/timeKillEvent
(7.3 KiB, A simple example that uses the timeSetEvent and timeKillEvent
API codes to create and use API based Windows timers. This event timer
has a much higher resolution than the SetTimer/KillTimer versions at
about 1 milli-second compared to 15/16 milli-seconds. But the lower
resolution timer may uses a lesser amount of resources. You will have to
decide if the tradeoff is worth it I guess., 20 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Image or Picture Converter
(5.6 KiB, A basic example that shows you how easy it is to convert
images to different formats.(This example shows: .jpg, .bmp, .gif
conversion) The framework supports many more though., 34 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
JPEG Image Compression
(6.0 KiB, This shows how to specify the compression quality of a .jpg
based image and pciture file., 33 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Keyboard KeyPress - Example
(5.6 KiB, Example on capturing the keys that are pressed in your app on
the keyboard. This example will throw 2 messageboxes depending on which
key you press on the keyboard., 34 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
LinkLabel Control Example
(6.3 KiB, This example basically uses the linklabel control to mimick a
real webpage link. The control will look like a link and when it is
linked, it will goto the specified address like a normal link as well.
This example uses the Process and ProcessStartInfo class as well to fine
tune how to open the link., 23 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Listbox/Combobox Control
(5.8 KiB, This example shows how to use some of the functions with the
listbox in .Net. Works with the combobox also. (Add items, clear,
search, ext..), 22 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
MDI Forms/Windows
(8.7 KiB, A basic example of how to create and use MDI Form/Windows in
your applications. It will display the total MDI windows that are
opened, Arrange the windows a 3 different formats., 31 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Monitor Files/Folders (FileSystemWatcher Object)
(9.5 KiB, This is a pretty decent example application that shows how to
do full monitoring of files and folders using the FileSystemWatcher
class library. You can specify the folder to monitor and it will tell
you what happens to the files or folders. IT can let you know if a
'Change has taken Place', if 'File was Deleted', if 'Directory was
Renamed or File was Renamed' and so on and so forth., 35 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
Mouse Scroll Wheel - Example
(7.3 KiB, A basic example of how using the mouse scroll wheel. It will
determine which direction the user is moving the wheel and either
increase or decrease the number in the label control., 19 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
Move Form WITHOUT Titlebar by Subclassing
(7.2 KiB, An example that shows a simple and easy way to move a
borderless form that does not have the normal titlebar. This uses
subclassing to check for specific window messages that are received and
reacts accordingly. Remember that VB.NET 02/03 Projects should have no
problems running in VB 05, VB 2008, Visual Basic 2010, and VB.NET 2012.,
19 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Movie Module v2.1 Beta Final
(14.7 KiB, This is a example on using the Movie Module to create a
Movie player. Based on the VB 6.0 version and there are a few bugs left.
I will not be updating this anymore. : This this is a obsolete
library/module. You should use the csMovieLibrary instead., 21
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Music Module v2.4 Final
(21.2 KiB, This is updated to work with VB.Net. It is still alittle
buggy. Has not been updated to take advantage of the new VB.Net
coding.(Plays, most music files) v2.3 was removed.
Info: This this is a obsolete library/module. Use the csMusicLibrary or
csCompactMusic Library instead., 21 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Notepad Style Application Clone - Example
(8.3 KiB, This is just a text editor that looks similar to Microsofts
Notepad with alot of its features. This is not a completed example., 20
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Open/Execute/Shell any File/Program
(7.6 KiB, This example shows how to open any file that is selected and
get various information about that file and the files current process.,
28 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Performance Counters/Timers Shootout!
(14.7 KiB, This is a pretty extensive example of how to use the
Counters/Timers that are available to the Windows programmer. It uses
the 3x most popular timers and allows you to decide which would fit your
needs based on resolution, accuracy, and overhead. This example uses
the 'Performance Counter', 'timeGetTime', and the 'TickCount' timers.,
19 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Performing Safer Math Calculating when using String Variables
(7.6 KiB, This example shows how to perform your basic Math like
subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division using the numbers
from a String based variable. Basically the example uses the Val()
Function to help make it safer to use numbers from strings. IF the
string contains no number or does not begin with a number, then it will
simply return a 0 instead of throwing a error., 19 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
Properly using DoEvents() with GetInputState
(7.4 KiB, This example shows how to properly use Application.DoEvents()
in your applications. Just by looking at the screenshot you can see the
performance increases MANY times over compared to consistantly using
DoEvents(). Whats also nice, is that your application will NOT appear
frozen and the user can STILL interact with your program! By using the
GetInputState Api call you only process the messages when there is one.,
21 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Restart, Shutdown, Log Off - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8
(6.8 KiB, This uses the Shell-Process class to run certain commandline
arguments to Shutdown, Restart or Log Off the Windows XP and newer
operating system from your applications. The Shutdown service needs to
be enabled, which it almost always is. It should work with all versions
of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Win 7, and Windows 8., 444 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
Rotating Images and Pictures in VB.NET
(5.6 KiB, Shows how to rotate images in various ways. There are about
16 or so rotations types built-in to the System.Drawing class. Which is
basically GDI+., 25 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Screenshot Snapshot Monitor/Desktop Capture
(9.7 KiB, This is the source code to the older csScreenshot/Snapshot
Capturing application I made. This will take snapshots of the entire
desktop or only a certain window. You can save it to the clipboard or a
picture file like .png, jpg, .bmp, and more., 30 Downloads; Since:
August 26, 2012)]
SetTimer/KillTimer API Callback Example
(6.9 KiB, A simple example of using .net based delegates to create
callbacks for using the Windows Timer SetTimer/KillTimer APIs. These
APIs can be used to add timeout/pause capabilities to fire your method
(function/subroutine) every interval you specified in the code., 23
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Sending SMTP based eMail with VB.NET 2002-2003
(7.0 KiB, This is a basic SMTP example of how to send mail WITH
attachments using the System.Web class library. Only use the code in
this example if your using the older VB.NET 2002 and Visual Basic .NET
2003 versions. Because starting from Visual Basic 2005 Microsoft added a
System.NET.Mail namespace with better, and easier class libraries and
such for sending email using the simple mail transfer protocol. I do
have an example using the class added with .NET 2.0 in the VB 2005, VB
2008, Visual Basic 2010, and the VB 2012 compatible section of this
webpage. It also has Many more features than this library has., 25
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Set/Scroll Textbox to the Bottom and Top of its Contents - Updated!: Added API Method as well
(6.9 KiB, This is nothing more than a simple example of how you can
cause the textbox control to scroll down to the end or bottom or last of
its contents and/or scroll to the beginning/top or first of its
contents. This example uses native .net textbox codes and I later added
source codes to do it with the SendMEssage API call as well., 25
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
System Tray, NotifyIcon Example
(7.0 KiB, An example of how to put your application icon in the windows
system tray. This example uses the Notify Icon custom control added to
the original .net 1.0 framework way back in 2002. :), 30 Downloads;
Since: August 26, 2012)]
Ultimate Textbox Manipulating Example
(14.6 KiB, This is a example that shows how to do almost everything you
would want to do with a textbox control. There are Way to many codes to
list here. But some of them are, searching, selecting text, page
right/left, line right/left, page up/down, line up/down, getting line
and character information, along with cut/copy/paste and adding,
replacing, selecting text. Look at the screenshot to see what all if
available., 380 Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]
Yahoo Website Search Service Example
(13.8 KiB, This is a simple example of creating a application that uses
the Yahoo Search SDK Class to perform basic website searching and to
get various info about the search results and info relate to each of the
sites. While the compiled class is in this download, I recommend that
you go and download the Yahoo Search SDK. Once you download and unzip
the SDK, check the the: VB.Net\yahooSearch\Yahoo.API directory for many
different source codes. Remember to add a reference to the sdk's
compiled class located in the Bin directory under the: VB.NET\Yahoo.API
path when you create a application.Click Here to get the SDK!, 24
Downloads; Since: August 26, 2012)]