CopyObject command in VBA
Presuming you're doing this via VBA code in your
Access Database, use the "DoCmd.CopyObject". But to make sure you don't
get "system" tables (hidden ones created by Access), use:
Dim t as TableDef
For Each t In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If t.Attributes = 0 Then 'zero = user table
DoCmd.CopyObject sBUTName, "", acTable, t.Name
End If
You can theoretically use this to copy any Access
object (table, query, form, report, etc) within a database or to a
different database file.
Below is the code that I used. I have all the
variable predefined so I did not include them anymore. in the code
below. It stores the data table into the dataset but it does not update
the dataset. Anyway, it's okay I guess I could do it another way.
Dim table As DataTable
Dim copyTable As DataTable
Dim arrTable(25) As Object
For Each item In checkedItems
strList = strList + item.SubItems(0).Text + vbCr
arrList(z) = item.SubItems(0).Text
z = z + 1
myConnectionSource = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConnectionSource)
For Each table In CoaSfaDataSet2.Tables
If table.TableName.ToString.Contains("SFA") And _
table.TableName.ToString.Length < 15 Then
If arrList(x) = table.TableName Then
arrTable(x) = table.Copy()
'copyTable = table.Copy()
x = x + 1
z = z - 1 : If z = 0 Then Exit For
End If
End If
Next table
myConnectionSource = Nothing
MsgBox("Cannot proceed! {0}." + e.ToString(), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "NOT SUCCESSFUL")
End Try